I have been totally inspired by all the recent coverage of different sports and competitions: the Tour of Britain (& France), the Ryder Cup and not forgetting the Commonwealth Games. All the athletes’ individual stories leave me just humbled and motivated to keep going with my own exercise.  I have been commuting more on my bike to work, which I love, and swimming on the days I’m not biking or playing tennis. Healthy exercise is best when we are relaxed and enjoying ourselves.  Don’t worry about fitness; it comes naturally with time.

Tips to keep motivated for exercise

  • Make exercise fun!
  • Choose something you enjoy doing – or you won’t stick at it
  • Do it regularly and gently

When you are exercising:

  • Go slower than you think you can
  • Go less far than you feel necessary
  • Go little and often and keep it up

With my own Alexander Technique experience and teaching swimming, I aim to exercise with a good, relaxed technique to avoid over-straining and reduce the risk of injury.  My biggest challenge is not pushing too hard on the pedals! It’s often very sensible to get lessons or coaching to help reduce the risk of injury and increase enjoyment.

Some of us like to get out on our own, but often making the exercise a social event can be the spur – for example, joining a club or group, or taking lessons. Dancing, for example, can be an excellent aerobic activity.  Be willing to experiment and try something new.

Modern thinking is to split exercise into shorter periods (even 10 minutes actively hoovering) which is far less daunting than a full 30 minutes and easier to fit into our busier lifestyles.

For specific advice about exercise, injury concerns or choosing the right type of exercise then please contact me: jeremy@englishhealth.co.uk.

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