Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints and affect over 10 million people in the UK, with 9 out of 10 of us at some stage suffering.
The list of possible causes is endless – weather, diet, posture, dehydration to name only a few – and millions of hours and pounds have been spent examining possible causes and cures.
I love treating headaches, often because I get great results and clients are happy. I do believe that Chiropractic is one of the most effective forms of treatment, as headaches commonly relate to tension in the base of the skull, neck and back.
Releasing the muscles in the neck and base of the spine is a skill and practice I enjoy. My Chiropractic and Alexander Technique training and experience are the basis for this, but it is allowing my treatment to be guided by a clear intuitive feel to find the blockages of tension that gives me most satisfaction. Sometimes joint adjustments are used, possibly with deep muscle tendon release, whilst other times it’s a gentler guiding release, or lightly holding the tender spots, that work best.
I strongly believe that lifestyle changes to break causative habitual patterns of tension are so important. Alexander Technique – learning to release muscles that are held tight subconsciously – is very beneficial along with lifestyle changes to work and exercise to allow the releasing effects of the treatment to rein more permanent, helping to prevent recurrence of headaches.
Why not call the Clinic to see if I can help?
Jeremy English
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